Expression of students voice and ideas is part of education process, OU should be symbolic of that – SIO Telangana

by | Aug 23, 2021

In recent executive Council meeting, Osmania University has decided to prohibit activities such as Protest, poster release, flexes & banners etc inside the campus premises, on this decision State President, SIO Telangana Dr Talha Faiyazuddin has issued his statement criticising this move & said: “Expression of students voice and ideas is part of education process, OU should be symbolic of that, OU admin said that such activities are damaging the image of university & affecting it’s rank, Dr Talha said it is the responsibility of University administration to improve quality of education & provide best faculty”.

He further added that instead of resuming the process of student union elections in state universities, administration is trying to curb the voice of students. University must focus on developing the quality of education for students and strive to create a democratic environment in the campus. It should be noted that this activism will not defame the name of university infact will bring glory to it.


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