Expediting NEET-PG counseling is the only quick way to get healthcare back on track: SIO

by | Dec 28, 2021

The protests of the resident doctors, which are going on now for a significant time, have been ignored and brutally attempted to be silenced by the government, compelling the residents to go on a strike. This has resulted in a widespread disruption of healthcare services at a time Covid-19 cases are witnessing a rise.

It seems that even the Coronavirus outbreak hasn’t taught the government the need to have a robust healthcare system in place. The careless postponing of the NEET-PG counselling is causing the already overburdened healthcare system to collapse and if it is further delayed, it will cause a public health crisis.

This carelessness cannot be hidden with shameless brutality meted upon the protesting doctors by the Delhi police. This carelessness and shamefulness is utterly condemnable.

Students Islamic Organisation of India (SIO) supports the demands of the resident doctors. We believe the only way to quickly get healthcare services back on track is for the NEET-PG counseling process to be expedited and for the government to treat doctors with the respect they deserve.


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