Release Sharjeel Usmani Immediately: SIO

by | Jul 8, 2020

New Delhi: 5 unknown persons claiming to be from UP Crime branch from Azamgarh have illegally detained Sharjeel Usmani. There was no warrant, no receiving, no arrest memo and no information to the family. His laptop, mobile and books were also taken. The detention in itself violates all laws regarding arrest laid down by the Supreme Court and in the CrPC.

It must be noted that Sharjeel Usmani was an active participant of the protests against CAA-NRC at AMU. His was also an outspoken critic of the government and was recently the target of pro-BJP trolls online.

Labeed Shafi, President SIO of India, said that “This is another brazen attempt by police to silence a brave young voice that was speaking out against the unconstitutional and discriminatory CAA-NRC. We firmly stand by Sharjeel and demand his immediate release.”


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