Stop Witch-Hunting of Anti CAA Activists, Release AMU Students

by | May 29, 2020

AMU: SIO AMU strongly condemns the arrest of two A.M.U. students, Farhan Zuberi and Ravish Ali Khan over the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). While Ravish was released later by the local police, Farhan has been sent to jail in Aligarh. The arrest of Farhan Zuberi is the latest in the ongoing spree of arrests of student leaders and Muslim activists across the country.

On April 16, 2020, Amir Mintoee, an ex-student of A.M.U. and activist was arrested while he was providing food to the patients stuck at J.N. Medical College and Hospital in Aligarh. He was also an active participant in the anti-CAA protest and was arrested for being critical to the government’s anti-Muslim activities.

These continuous arrests of student activists are nothing but an act of silencing the voices of dissent against the government. This government is not only optimally using the national lockdown as an opportunity but also turning into inhuman during this worldwide pandemic crisis and proving itself to be only politically-centered while thousands of its people are stranded and dying of hunger and disease.

We demand not only the immediate release of all the activists and students but also to put a halt on this witch hunt. The onslaught of dissent voices in this high time is unacceptable at any cost.


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